>> I'm new to PC auto racing games/sims. I've read that apart
>> from needing a very fast computer, the video card is
>> critical. In some of these posts I've detected mention of
>> "Rendition". Is this a commercial brand of video card or
>> is it a reference to a particular type of PC-3D
>> technology?
>Rendition makes a chipset, the Verite, which is used in video cards from
>several manufacturers (Sierra's Screamin' 3D, Intergraph's Reactor, one
>from Canopus, and there's a fourth one). It does both standard 2D
>acceleration as well as 3D acceleration, and is very competent at both,
>though not the ultimate at either.
>You see it mentioned here because it's currently the only 3D chipset for
>which serious racing sims -- Indycar2 and NASCAR2 -- are available. 3D
>acceleration offers a major and highly desirable improvement in both the
>appearance and the framerate performance of supported games.
You forgot Monster Truck Maddness trough Direct3D. MTM in advanced mode
with pedals is very realistic in simulating a HUGE heavy RWD, 4WS monster.
and with smoothed fast 3D graphics is almost as challenging and fun as
>|--RichC-------------------------Interfacing is Easy--|