DSL rocks for online racing -- many times faster than a 56K modem
connection. Cable modems have potentially faster data transfer rates,
but with a cable modem, you share bandwidth with EVERYBODY on your
network segment, so if your neighbor's kid decides to stand up an FTP
site for bootleg games (for example), then your bandwidth (and access
speeds) can go down the toilet and it'll be like racing online with a
14.4 modem all over again.
FWIW, I queried these folks about two weeks ago, asking if their online
toolbar would be compatible with online games, but so far I have heard
nothing back from them, which worries me a bit. Either they're swamped,
or clueless -- either way, that bodes poorly for customer service down
the road.
Still, it DOES sound like an excellent deal, even if you DO end up
paying for the DSL modem/converter yourself -- just having them pick up
the monthly tab is a HUGE cost saver. I can't imagine a toolbar like
that with streaming ad banners and such having much impact on the
overall bandwidth on a DSL connection, so my guess is that it would be
fine for online ***.
Also FWIW, I would imagine that the toolbar would be over-ridden by your
game when it switches to full-screen mode (in the same manner that ICQ
is, for example), and THAT part was what had me worried -- would that
disconnect you (defeating the purpose of the DSL connection for online
***) or would it continue to function in the background, obvlivious
to the fact that you were having the time of your life with GPL? <G> My
guess is that this is the case, and they don't want to advertise to
their advertisers that online gamers will be able to simply bury the
toolbar in the background and ignore it while playing -- which could be
why they haven't replied to my query. If this is the case, then FreeDSL
could turn out to be THE best-kept secret in online ***.
Let us know if you hear anything from them, and I'll do the same.
-- JB
Sent via Deja.com http://www.racesimcentral.net/
Before you buy.