> Howdy,
> Just out of curiousity, I noticed that some newsreaders stick "SV" in
> front of subjects when replying. I am used to seeing "re" as in 'response'
> or 'reference to'. I *think* the SVs are coming from Sweden (could be
> wrong). I was just curious what SV stands for in this case.
> Thanks,
The SV: are as you say from Sweden, but also Norway. It is the result of
really bad translation of software. Here in Norway office applications like
Microsoft Office and Lotus Smart Suite have translated menus and helpfiles.
Since thees two packages also include a e-mail/newsreader Outlook and Lotus
Notes, some bonehead found it smarter to put is SV: (Svar = Answer) instead
of re(ply). The problem is of course that many newsreaders treat this unknown
combination of letter as the name of the topic, so they put a Re: in front of
that again, and the whole tread gets rather messy. It is not a big problem
here in a international group, but it is a pain in the norwegian newsgoups i
Luckily this can be turned off in Microsoft Outlook, and changed back to Re:,
and I request every of my scandinavian fellows who post on this newsgroup and
use SV: to do so at once :)
To me it is really unbelievable how Microsoft and Lotus can be so narrowminded
and allow translators to do this, since it only messes up things and doesn't
make anything easier at all. Well, we do know M$ are narrowminded but I
though there was a limit even for them.
Olav K. Malmin
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