question about Swedish(?) newsreaders

Daxe Rexfor

question about Swedish(?) newsreaders

by Daxe Rexfor » Tue, 07 Dec 1999 04:00:00


    Just out of curiousity, I noticed that some newsreaders stick "SV" in
front of subjects when replying.  I am used to seeing "re" as in 'response'
or 'reference to'.  I *think* the SVs are coming from Sweden (could be
wrong). I was just curious what SV stands for in this case.



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Olav K. Malm

question about Swedish(?) newsreaders

by Olav K. Malm » Tue, 07 Dec 1999 04:00:00

> Howdy,

>     Just out of curiousity, I noticed that some newsreaders stick "SV" in
> front of subjects when replying.  I am used to seeing "re" as in 'response'
> or 'reference to'.  I *think* the SVs are coming from Sweden (could be
> wrong). I was just curious what SV stands for in this case.

> Thanks,

The SV: are as you say from Sweden, but also Norway. It is the result of
really bad translation of software. Here in Norway office applications like
Microsoft Office and Lotus Smart Suite have translated menus and helpfiles.
Since thees two packages also include a e-mail/newsreader Outlook and Lotus
Notes, some bonehead found it smarter to put is SV: (Svar = Answer) instead
of re(ply). The problem is of course that many newsreaders treat this unknown
combination of letter as the name of the topic, so they put a Re: in front of
that again, and the whole tread gets rather messy. It is not a big problem
here in a international group, but it is a pain in the norwegian newsgoups i

Luckily this can be turned off in Microsoft Outlook, and changed back to Re:,
and I request every of my scandinavian fellows who post on this newsgroup and
use SV: to do so at once :)

To me it is really unbelievable how Microsoft and Lotus can be so narrowminded
and allow translators to do this, since it only messes up things and doesn't
make anything easier at all. Well, we do know M$ are narrowminded but I
though there was a limit even for them.

Olav K. Malmin
remove spam when replying

Ed Solhei

question about Swedish(?) newsreaders

by Ed Solhei » Tue, 07 Dec 1999 04:00:00

Could you please explain how this can be done in OE5 for me??

I've tried to check the "use English headers" option... but as I'm pretty
sure you can see... it's not working very well.

I'm getting tired of having to correct the subject of every mail or post I
reply too..

Got any good advises here?

All the best,
Ed Solheim
The Paddock - a legendary site....
(Remove SPAM-GUARD in address to reply)

Mark Croasdal

question about Swedish(?) newsreaders

by Mark Croasdal » Tue, 07 Dec 1999 04:00:00

Re: re

Re is the (Latin) ablative of res, and means "in the matter of" or "about", "concerning".  I always thought it was an abbreviation of reference, as in "with reference to" until I looked it up just now.  Got to go and sew some badges on my anorak.

Mark Croasdale
ICQ 21549408

> > Howdy,

> >     Just out of curiousity, I noticed that some newsreaders stick "SV" in
> > front of subjects when replying.  I am used to seeing "re" as in 'response'
> > or 'reference to'.  I *think* the SVs are coming from Sweden (could be
> > wrong). I was just curious what SV stands for in this case.

> > Thanks,

> The SV: are as you say from Sweden, but also Norway. It is the result of
> really bad translation of software. Here in Norway office applications like
> Microsoft Office and Lotus Smart Suite have translated menus and helpfiles.
> Since thees two packages also include a e-mail/newsreader Outlook and Lotus
> Notes, some bonehead found it smarter to put is SV: (Svar = Answer) instead
> of re(ply). The problem is of course that many newsreaders treat this unknown
> combination of letter as the name of the topic, so they put a Re: in front of
> that again, and the whole tread gets rather messy. It is not a big problem
> here in a international group, but it is a pain in the norwegian newsgoups i
> read.

> Luckily this can be turned off in Microsoft Outlook, and changed back to Re:,
> and I request every of my scandinavian fellows who post on this newsgroup and
> use SV: to do so at once :)

> To me it is really unbelievable how Microsoft and Lotus can be so narrowminded
> and allow translators to do this, since it only messes up things and doesn't
> make anything easier at all. Well, we do know M$ are narrowminded but I
> though there was a limit even for them.

> --
> Olav K. Malmin
> remove spam when replying

Daxe Rexfor

question about Swedish(?) newsreaders

by Daxe Rexfor » Tue, 07 Dec 1999 04:00:00

>The SV: are as you say from Sweden, but also Norway.

Thanks, Olav.  I keep meaning to write in to r.a.s. and comment on how
interesting it is for me, as an insular USA type, to read little bits of
stuff about the culture and goings on in countries elsewhere on the planet.



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Arne Marti

question about Swedish(?) newsreaders

by Arne Marti » Wed, 08 Dec 1999 04:00:00

> The SV: are as you say from Sweden, but also Norway. It is the result of
> really bad translation of software. Here in Norway office applications like
> Microsoft Office and Lotus Smart Suite have translated menus and helpfiles.
> Since thees two packages also include a e-mail/newsreader Outlook and Lotus
> Notes, some bonehead found it smarter to put is SV: (Svar = Answer) instead
> of re(ply). The problem is of course that many newsreaders treat this unknown
> combination of letter as the name of the topic, so they put a Re: in front of
> that again, and the whole tread gets rather messy. It is not a big problem
> here in a international group, but it is a pain in the norwegian newsgoups i
> read.

And even more stupid is that these newsreaders don't themselves
recognize SV: so when when replying to a message with SV: it appends
another one on as well, so you get long threads with SV: SV: SV: SV:
etc. (and often with a few Re: within as well)!

Arne Martin

Walk Walke

question about Swedish(?) newsreaders

by Walk Walke » Wed, 08 Dec 1999 04:00:00

I don't think the ommision of code to translate SV to RE was based on
narrowminds. MS just doesn't have many Swedish coders. Supplying cultural
translators for every Asian, African, and European societal correspondence
convention would indeed be a wonderful addition, but calling MS narrowminded
is just being crass.

-/- Walk Walker

>To me it is really unbelievable how Microsoft and Lotus can be so
>and allow translators to do this, since it only messes up things and
>make anything easier at all.


question about Swedish(?) newsreaders

by ymenar » Wed, 08 Dec 1999 04:00:00

Yet from what I was told every other international version of IE, in Asia,
Africa, and Europe supports the Usenet standard of Re: without any problems
.  So why not that version? I must have lost something here ;)

-- Fran?ois Mnard <ymenard>
-- May the Downforce be with you...

"People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realise
how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world."

Olav K. Malm

question about Swedish(?) newsreaders

by Olav K. Malm » Wed, 08 Dec 1999 04:00:00

A norwegian website explains how to do it, the sweedes will probably
understand it too :)

It looks like it wasn't as easy as I thought, since you need to download some
files to do it.

Olav K. Malmin
remove spam when replying

Ed Solhei

question about Swedish(?) newsreaders

by Ed Solhei » Wed, 08 Dec 1999 04:00:00

Thanks a lot for the info Olav, I'll look at it right away!

Btw,  me  a Swede????
NOW you're *way* outta line here buddy!! :)))))

All the best,
Ed Solheim
The Paddock - a legendary site....

Ed Solhei

question about Swedish(?) newsreaders

by Ed Solhei » Wed, 08 Dec 1999 04:00:00

Ahh finally the SV: is gone for good!!

Now if someone could fix the "wrote / Writes:" instead of the NORWEGIAN :))
word  OE uses - every thing would be perfect! :)

All the best,
Ed Solheim
The Paddock - a legendary site....
(Remove SPAM-GUARD in address to reply)

Olav K. Malm

question about Swedish(?) newsreaders

by Olav K. Malm » Wed, 08 Dec 1999 04:00:00

oh, damn, i didn't mean it that way, that swede thing was more for general
information to s?ta bror.

Boy how easy it is to be misinterpreted on USENET :)

Olav K. Malmin
remove spam when replying

Olav K. Malm

question about Swedish(?) newsreaders

by Olav K. Malm » Wed, 08 Dec 1999 04:00:00

How about downloading Emacs for Windows and use Gnus as your newsreader, and
you pains will vanish forever, if you manage to learn its cryptic commands.

And you get a great text-editor too..... :)

Olav K. Malmin
remove spam when replying

Karl Ar

question about Swedish(?) newsreaders

by Karl Ar » Thu, 09 Dec 1999 04:00:00

On Tue, 07 Dec 1999 17:10:21 GMT, "Ed Solheim" <esolheim[S P A M G U A

>Olav K. Malmin writes:

>> A norwegian website explains how to do it, the sweedes will probably
>> understand it too :)


>Thanks a lot for the info Olav, I'll look at it right away!

>Btw,  me  a Swede????
>NOW you're *way* outta line here buddy!! :)))))

Bit of a warning to all swedes here:
If you use the "already patched" files here, prepare to read
everything in OE in norwegian!

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