I Have this problem with nascar and nascar 2
both will not reconize my game pad in windows
nascar2 will if i use that 3dfx patch but thats the
only way. Anybody have this happen to them just
got the games so new to this any help appc.
I Have this problem with nascar and nascar 2
both will not reconize my game pad in windows
nascar2 will if i use that 3dfx patch but thats the
only way. Anybody have this happen to them just
got the games so new to this any help appc.
Michael S. Davis
Creative Media-Works
Computer/Audio/Video Convergence
"from Creative minds spring Creative solutions."
I started out using a game pad befor I got a wheel. Two big differences;
with a game pad you can't run as fast and you wear out your tires twice
as fast. It's ok for starting out but you'll want a wheel befor long.
As far as your problem, I don't remember having a problem like that when
I used a game pad. Maybe you have to check out the calibration in the
control panel/joystick in windows95 like you do for a wheel. Good