available? I seem to remember seeing one at a local Software Etc. but I
can't find it now.
Thanks for any information.
Thanks for any information.
Personally, I love them to death. I don't have enough room for a wheel, and
don't have the money for a desk AND a wheel, so I use these little gems. I
have played Grand Prix Legends, F1 Racing Simulation, Viper Racing, Grand
Prix 2, CART Precision Racing, Need for Speed III, and a few other poor
racing games without a glitch, snap, or any setup trouble. The only thing
you need to do is choose "Custom" in the Control Panel Game Controllers
menu, and check the "...is a Race Car Controller" box.
Have fun! I know you will!
- John P. Wilson :|:
- Computer Renaissance http://www.computerrenaissance.com/
- Downshift http://www.geocities.com/MotorCity/Garage/1123/index.html
- Ten Cylinders, Six Gears, Four Wheels, Two Wings, and one Brave Heart.