>>HomeSoft in Holland has a copy of gp2!!!!!!!!
>>They said that on th 19th of july it is in the stores!
>>A member of HomeSoft has played gp2 and it is marvelous!!!!!!!!!!!
>Ok john, I'm from Breda and I have a question for you !!!
>Is HomeSoft a store or a distributer that will distibute the game to all
>the dutch shops Like dixons etc..????
>And will GP2 be in every store next friday or just in some shops..?? Which shops ???
>I'am really looking foreward playing this game !!!!
>Greetings (en houdoe) Patrick
Patrick, I spoke to a shop owner in Arnhem. He told me he would
probably have f1gp2 on thursday. He didn't expect to have them early
in the morning. You can give them a call at 026-4450436 The store is
called CD-ROM Today.
I'm going te ring them thursday and if they have some i'm going to go
there to buy a copy, b.t.w. I live in Nijmegen.
If you plan to go to Arnhem remmeber to go around Nijmegen, The
4-daagse is on it's way, blocking all roads in and oround Nijmegen.
Bye, David