Does anyone know why Jacques is omitted from the new Psygnosis F1 game for
the playstation?
Does anyone know why Jacques is omitted from the new Psygnosis F1 game for
the playstation?
Actually, it's because Psygnosis for some weird reason had the date all
mixed up and thought they were in 1996 so they released the game with the
tracks and drivers for the 1995 season, in which Jacques Villeneuve drove
his last Indycar season.
Now, why they used 1995 instead on 1996 is anyones guess. It probably
would be easy enough to make new data files for the game. The question is
why would anyone want to? Too bad, the game is so pretty. And it doesn't
even accept joysticks.
> Is this true? I know he wasn't included in Grand Prix Manager 2
> because he wasn't a paid up member of the FIA or some other
> such bollocks...
> Mike.
> Does anyone know why Jacques is omitted from the new Psygnosis F1 game for
> the playstation?
Same as in UBISOFT, the answer is easy:
Jacques Villeneuve is the only driver not being part
of the F1 drivers association.
Political issue, from the FIA and "Hitler" Ecclestone
Jacques has 'protected' his image in F1 and so no one can use his name or
likeness without his express permission.Apparently he also has control over
which photos are released of him.This was explained in an Autosport article
a few weeks ago which was critical of some of the management around him.