I still see cars stop and pile up behind a wreck instead of going
around.....as in N2
NFS High Stakes is pretty too, but that doesn't make it a good Racing
sim...I am basing my judgement on GPL which vastly improved the driving
model. Hell even Viper Racing seemed better in this sense. There is no
argument that the did a great job visually and with the sounds....but its
still N2 on the inside.
ID software wouldn't release a new Quake engine in a game then go back and
release the next Quake game in an older engine than what was availble to
them. I just wished they could have worked with the GPL version maybe cut
out some detail but atleast stick with newer technology, Heck even looking
side to side in the***pit view like GPL or anything to make me think I
wasn't just driving around in a Prettier N2 game.
Ya, but after GPL did you not expect more?
sorry, IMHO I did
Did you open the box?
> -Larry
> > Lets see same old pit crew, but prettier....
> > Same old driving model, but prettier.....
> > same old paint shop but prettier.......
> > multiplayer??? dunno keeps locking up.....
> > Same old, Same old
> > Deja Vu anyone???
> > Sorry but I am unimpressed....and its Papy's fault....they shoulda
> released
> > this game before GPL then I wouldn't have been so dissapointed....
> > Holdin on tight for GP500 and GP3
> > R.I.P. Papyrus 1999
> > Norm (still playing GPL or GP 500 demo)
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