The Pits update is being uploaded as I write this!
Firstly, a word about the speed.
It seems that the cause of slow connections to The Pits is
routing. We're setting up a US mirror for the US and Oz which
will be online from 5th Feb once tested.
I hope this solves the problems!
Right Whats new! Tons!
1) New Design!
Yes once again we've fiddled with the design of the site.
This is to try and compensate for those of you with slow connections.
Things *should* load faster.
2)BT Wireplay
A colleuge of mine has been working with the BT Wireplay team on their
site. Their looking for testers for their new PC multiplayer service.
If you want to be a tester, read the details and visit the site.
A couple of new files and my Car converter utilites.
4)Car Setups!
Yike! 161 new setups for Nascar racing! That should push the hits up!
5)A new cartoon!
Yep! Jed & Steve are back!
6)The Pits competition!
Its finally here! Get those replays ready!
7)We're in Yahoo!
After 2 months of asking they've finally given us an entry.
8)Other stuff.
Theres more but I can't remember it!
Just a quick note.
We don't ask for cash for our efforts at The Pits but we do give up a
lot of
freetime to do it.
IF you'd like to thank us, give us a vote for Cool site of the Day or
Point Surveys to 5% of sites on the Web. It would be a great accolade!
Many thanks and enjoy!
The Pits