another good shareware program I have found <which, if I get more then 3
emails will be available from my home page:>
is cartest. Unfort my version is 2 yrs old, version number 3.0 if anyone has
a newer one also email me.
But about the program, you can put in all of the cars you want, a sample
output would include such information as this for my sunfire:
Selected Cars: 1. PONTIAC SUNFIRE 96
Car Number 1
Time to Speed
0-30 mph.... 2.4
0-40 mph.... 4.2
0-50 mph.... 5.7
0-60 mph.... 7.3
0-70 mph.... 10.2
0-80 mph.... 12.9
0-90 mph.... 16.1
0-100 mph.... 21.9
Time to Distance
0-100 ft .... 3.2
0-500 ft .... 8.6
0-1320ft .... 15.9
Top Speed.... 129
5-60 mph, 1st
Gear Start... 7.3
30-50 mph
2nd Gear..... 3.0
3rd Gear..... 5.0
4th Gear..... 8.4
5th Gear..... 16.4
6th Gear.....
50-70 mph
2nd Gear.....
3rd Gear..... 4.9
4th Gear..... 8.1
5th Gear..... 15.1
6th Gear.....
this will automaticly find you the best point at which to shift, <but you can
choose where to START the rpms at.>
basicly, I love this program :)