There is a difference between constructive criticism and childish
whining. There is a difference between an exchange of ideas and
egocentric yammering. There is a difference between logical evaluation
and uneducated opinion. The general appearance of the activity in this
newsgroup is a testament to the failure of the American education system
and another indication of the poor parenting skill of my generation.
Far too much content consists of whining by "gamers" with junk equipment
or good equipment they have trashed; whining by people who never wrote
even a simple BASIC program for a Z-80 and yet have the audacity to
expect perfection from everyone else. Whining begets flaming and
flaming begets more flaming.
When you post to a public forum, why not strive toward a higher standard
of conduct. Strive to be the sage, not the smart-ass. In your
communications, the idea is the thing. If you are trying to impress us
with your knowledge, your position, or your cuteness, you will do just
the opposite. Should things continue as they are in r.a.s., the very
people we need to communicate with will abandon the group, and at that
point whiners and flamers will have only each other to impress.
Of course that's just my opinion and I may be wrong. Screw it, who
wants pie?