Systems. Due to recent suggestions that thermal venting might be my
problem, I've (1) got my Soundblaster AWE32 (which has the game port)
moved to the bottom slot in my computer, and (2) got the case open and
a fan blowing on the AWE. Here's what is *still* happening, even with
the above measures having been taken:
I turn the computer on, calibrate the ACP for NASCAR, run about 5-10
minutes and boom - all of a sudden the thing won't turn left and seems
to be stuck turning to the right, even with the wheel at full left lock.
I abort the race, go back to the Options menu and recalibrate. I pull
out of the pits, and *by the time I have gotten to the first corner*,
the wheel is completely out of calibration again and won't turn left!!!
I repeat this and the same thing happens (well, sometimes I might get
a full lap before losing it, but suffice it to say that the calibration
doesn't seem to be "holding" for more than 1-2 minutes...) Someone
suggested that my game port might be at fault - then how come when I
plug in my inexpensive CH Mach I joystick, I can run all day with not
a single problem? I deduce from this that the problem *has* to be with
the ACP, right? Dammit, I have a feeling that Simulation Systems is
gonna give me a rough time with this one... But the wheel is just simply
useless as it is, and I'm less than satisfied. When it works, it works
great, but when it doesn't, it's more than slightly irritating.
Surely I'm not the only one having this problem, right? If anyone has
any other suggestions as to what could possibly be the problem,
*please* let me know. Could I just have gotten a lemon with my ACP?
Is there something wrong with my AWE32 that would not affect my CH
joystick but would affect the ACP? BTW, the feel of the wheel is
perfect, even when it loses calibration...
Thanks in advance for any assistance...
-Brad Traweek