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Is there a reason behind this?
I don't use IIS, so code-red isn't a problem, and I also have no-one in my
address book, so I can't propogate an E-Mail virus. On a Win98 machine,
it's not a problem when you have no way of passing on a virus, and you have
no valuable data. I know it's not exactly sensible, but I do keep logs, so
if anything does go funny, I can wipe it all and start again.
I know - I can't believe people still are not applying security patches!
Madness, especially as you can go to microsoft.com and get a list of
everything you have not got.
Andy (wouldn't recommend doing this to anyone else, but works fine for me)
Showering fully clothed shows you're crazy, showering *** shows your nuts
Anagram: Andy Laurence > Endurance Lay
NB: Spamtrap - do the obvious
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