GPL: Somebody who can get in the 30's....

Maxwell Fami

GPL: Somebody who can get in the 30's....

by Maxwell Fami » Fri, 04 Sep 1998 04:00:00

Would you mind reviewing my fastest lap (1:34.something:) and pointing
out what I can/can't do and how to fix it and stuff? Would be much



Sid Chappl

GPL: Somebody who can get in the 30's....

by Sid Chappl » Fri, 04 Sep 1998 04:00:00

Sure, but where is it.

>Would you mind reviewing my fastest lap (1:34.something:) and pointing
>out what I can/can't do and how to fix it and stuff? Would be much




GPL: Somebody who can get in the 30's....

by sp.. » Fri, 04 Sep 1998 04:00:00

: Sure, but where is it.

: >Would you mind reviewing my fastest lap (1:34.something:) and pointing
: >out what I can/can't do and how to fix it and stuff? Would be much
: >appreciated

just out of curiousity, has anyone had the car catch on fire yet?  i had
my fastest lap thus far (1:33) with the car full ablaze, and tried every
f-key combination i could think of trying to catch a screenshot.
driving the car at full blast with flames/smoke pouring out of the
engine is a blast.  even the fire audio effects seem affected by the
speed of the car. (:

though it was kind of odd being able to rip off a personal best while
the entire rear end looked like it was hit by a heat seaking missle.


John Walla

GPL: Somebody who can get in the 30's....

by John Walla » Fri, 04 Sep 1998 04:00:00

It won't happen in the full version. The fire (naturally) burns all
your fuel, at which point the engine finds it difficult to keep
running. Of course by this time you'll have pulled over, got out and
run away from your car as a courtesy to other drivers - won't you?

Tsk, driving at 200mph with your car on fire - what would your mother
say? :-)


Tim Deatherag

GPL: Somebody who can get in the 30's....

by Tim Deatherag » Fri, 04 Sep 1998 04:00:00

I have had the engine on fire and I was totally freaked out by it ! !
Accordingly,  I slowed down and waited to see how long it would
burn !  I hit the old Shift-R and the fire disappeared .

Tim Deatherage

"Admitted Sim ***"

>just out of curiousity, has anyone had the car catch on fire yet?

Mark Fishe

GPL: Somebody who can get in the 30's....

by Mark Fishe » Sat, 05 Sep 1998 04:00:00

I had an engine fire today too Tim for the first time, it looks very
realistic from any angle in the replay, really cool!!!!



>I have had the engine on fire and I was totally freaked out by it ! !
>Accordingly,  I slowed down and waited to see how long it would
>burn !  I hit the old Shift-R and the fire disappeared .

>Tim Deatherage

>"Admitted Sim ***"

Tim Deatherag

GPL: Somebody who can get in the 30's....

by Tim Deatherag » Sun, 06 Sep 1998 04:00:00

I had another engine fire last night !. It seems to happen when you spin and
hit the backend against something like the bridge around Ascari. This Sim
seems to be very very ***ive !

Tim Deatherage

"Admitted Sim ***"

>I had an engine fire today too Tim for the first time, it looks very
>realistic from any angle in the replay, really cool!!!!


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