> I will buy a new PC this month and i want to know which combinaison
> microprocesor/megRam is the fastest for playing Nascar2 and GP2.
> For example: pentium 100 and 64MegRam
> OR
> pentium 133 and 32MegRam
> OR
> pentium 166 and 16MegRam
> I'm asking this question because the first combinaison cost less than the
> third one.
Yes, the first combo is cheaper because of lower ram prices... however,
the third option is by far the best. Nascar relys heavily on processor
/ video card speed. Once you have 16mb Ram, anything above is mostly
used for saving larger replays. Speed is what will determine video
frame rates.
Another option is to go with the 133 and a Verite based 3D accelerator
(made by Creative Labs, Intergraph, Sierra...) , this may actually prove
faster for Nascar 2 than the 166, but slower for practically anything
else (including GP2 i suppose)that is not written specifically for the
Vertite cards. So, I would recommend getting the fastest processor your
money can buy, then upgrade the video card / ram later on. Hope it