No offense intended, but I thought XCAR SUCKED BIG TIME and returned
it immediately. IMHO, this game has VERY poor driving "feel."
Carmageddon feels better, and nobody even considers that a serious
attempt. I admit XCar looks nice on a 3dfx, but I think you go WAY
too far. Indy and Nascar are safe in my book.
Do you work for Bethesda or something Mark?
>Move over Indy and Nascar - X-Car is here and it has to be one of the best
>racing sims to come down the back stretch in a long time. This game has it all.
>If you like to setup your car then you will LOVE the garage. You can setup
>anything and everything. There are even 12 independent settings for your TIRES!
>Choose ARCADE for racing fun or SIM for pure racing hell. This has to be one of
>the most realistic game engines released to date. The cars handle extremely
>well breaking traction when expected and recovering just as well. This game is
>definitely made for a steering wheel - my T2 setup in just a few seconds.
>Graphics - nothing can touch this sim - especially if you have a 3Dfx card.
>Sustained 30fps even in downtown Seattle where you have moving monorails, semi
>trucks and plenty of other gorgeous scenery; space needle, arena, etc.
>And for those of you with SONY Playstations - just wanted to put in a good word
>for PORSCHE CHALLENGE. Another great racing sim. Not nearly as realstic as
>X-Car but just as much fun with some VERY realistic car handling.