Just a quick story of my gameing ex..... on Grandprix 3.
Well this afternoon I put my Benneton on P1....about 7 tenths faster than
David C and the rest....
So there I was sat at the lights clucth on 1st, red lights, GO !!!!! into
2nd gear..and D.C steers into me, flips and then theres a 12 car pile
up.....car on there roll over hoops, wheels, wings, you name it, bits every
where... I`m 1/2 on the grass, but still manage to hold my 1st place going
into copse.
1st lap done, Michael is 1 second quicker than me, no problem, a little mid
corner braking will sort him out..........? nope he`s still with me, he
slips down the inside at club, so I let him go through. I`ve got the better
traction on the exit, so i`m up the inside at abbey he shuts the door... as
allways, and why not, I would, but I`m fully along side him, so he bounces
over my right wheel ( never shut the door from the outside ). He`s off and
into the sand, so then I`m left out front.... nice easy win, 18 Laps good
tyre wear, good grip, no rain, no problem.
It`s nice to see the flag.
So now I`m off to anough track, 1 a day !!!