Also, what are you using to steer your car? I'm assuming since this is your
first racing sim, you are probably using a joystick, or worse yet, the
keyboard... most of the time a joystick is fine (and is what I used for a long
time) For some reason with this game though, joystick control is very touchy...
it seemed like you could either steer a bit, or a lot, but not inbetween... I
finally bought a driving wheel (Thrustmaster Nascar Pro) and I LOVE it... if you
have about $130 or so laying around, pick one up (or find a cheaper wheel if you
dont want to spend that much) or if you are a rich bastard, get the new 4000
model from ECCS, for a mere $1500... or, if you are REALLY obsessed, get a
hypersimulator (a***pit thingy you sit in...) I beleive that Dave Mansell, the
top lap holder on the GPL demo, uses one...
Brian Short
> did i get your attention!!!!!
> Anybody got any good gen on setting up your car for F1rs, i've recently
> bought it and it's my first time at adriving sim and no matter what i do i
> can't keep on the track unless i go dead slow...the manual isn't that
> helpful.
> If anybody has a fact sheet or good methods of doing set ups mail them to me
> please