can yo drive ya wimp!!!!!!!

Brian Shor

can yo drive ya wimp!!!!!!!

by Brian Shor » Fri, 11 Sep 1998 04:00:00 has a very complete setups section, go there to get your
Also, what are you using to steer your car?  I'm assuming since this is your
first racing sim, you are probably using a joystick, or worse yet, the
keyboard... most of the time a joystick is fine (and is what I used for a long
time)  For some reason with this game though, joystick control is very touchy...
it seemed like you could either steer a bit, or a lot, but not inbetween... I
finally bought a driving wheel (Thrustmaster Nascar Pro) and I LOVE it... if you
have about $130 or so laying around, pick one up (or find a cheaper wheel if you
dont want to spend that much) or if you are a rich bastard, get the new 4000
model from ECCS, for a mere $1500... or, if you are REALLY obsessed, get a
hypersimulator (a***pit thingy you sit in...) I beleive that Dave Mansell, the
top lap holder on the GPL demo, uses one...

Brian Short

> did i get your attention!!!!!

> Anybody got any good gen on setting up your car for F1rs, i've recently
> bought it and it's my first time at adriving sim and no matter what i do i
> can't keep on the track unless i go dead slow...the manual isn't that
> helpful.

> If anybody has a fact sheet or good methods of doing set ups mail them to me
> please

L. Andre Min

can yo drive ya wimp!!!!!!!

by L. Andre Min » Fri, 11 Sep 1998 04:00:00

> I finally bought a driving wheel (Thrustmaster Nascar Pro) and I LOVE it... if you
> have about $130 or so laying around, pick one up ...


I too, have a Nascar Pro... good value. If you live in the US, and if
there's SAM'S club near you (and you're a member)... then they have them
for $89.95. Not bad at all... wish I had seen them before paying the
same price Brian paid! :-(

A wheel is fantastic with a sim... add tremendously to the "experience".

Have fun,

Paul Jone

can yo drive ya wimp!!!!!!!

by Paul Jone » Sat, 12 Sep 1998 04:00:00

Also see Guy Cote's own page on

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