Hi, I just have a little question about the Driver info for N2. O.K.
What I want to do is make my own list. Now hear are the questions. If I
edit any of the driver in either the Multi or 96'Season list, will they
always stay like that? If I make my own list and change the drivers
around, will it effect my list only or all the list in the game. Also id
I chosse to make a new drive, say, useing my name, can I put him in "The
Player" spot? So I'll be driving my own car that I made up? Say I change
Jeff Gordon's name to my name, will it stay my name for ever until I
change his stats and name back? Also if I do change his name, and start
a new list, can I take out "The Player" car and put Jeff's car with my
name and race that car? If anyone can help me out, please e-mail me.