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None (mail relay)

by l368 » Wed, 01 Mar 1995 04:22:38

>>I'm a big fan of F1GP and I'm driving for about a year. Lately I downloaded
>>some car setups with the best qualifying lap of some people.
>>I found out that I was around 2 seconds slower on every circuit
>>whatever I tried.

Where can I get those car setups? Is there any ftp-site?

I prefer keyboard too! Much more sensitive.
Besides, I use ALT and SPACE for shifting. I guess is better than
just SPACE, right?

What about the FAQ? How often is it posted?

I want to tell you all I am a big F1GP fan!! I also finished the
100% Race Championship (Ace Level) as the... Champion!
Great, but I now prefer to increase the power of all other cars
so it makes things much more difficult.
Using F1ED I found that values of motor power of 800 would not
give me much of a chance and demanded a lot of effort.
So, I do not use values above 800 and I also think that this
way the races ressemble real ones. Any comments?

I also have played many times against a human opponent with
a null-modem cable. There was also a "National Championship"
here in Portugal but the 26 players had to play in turns,
which was very bad, and luck was determinant!
Has anynone out there ever participated in a championship,
with (more than 2) drivers competing in real time? I was told
that this would be possible to do with an AMIGA...

Now, talking about wheels. I have read in this past few days
that there is a T1 model that seems to be the best.
Or maybe the ACP or others...
Anyway, a friend of mine picked an old wheel and connected it
to a potentiometer so that it could act like a joystick.
So, spending 1 or 2 dollars (the wheel was for free!) we
have it working. Of course, we also needed some cable and
making the right connections to a 15 PIN plug to use with the
game port (usually found on SBlasters or alone).

Well, the gear shift is very easy to do:
just 2 bottons attached at the back of the wheel, like in
real F1 cars!! We have just spent a lot of time thinking
how we could make some pedals that could behave like real
ones (and be analog!). So, I wonder if someone who has
a T1 (or something like that) can give me some detailed
description on how the pedals work...

Then, I guess we could finish our unit and distribute the
(copyrighted :-) diagram explaining how to make a
wheel almost for free, with a wheel from the junkyard!

Anyway, I can tell you that we already played using the
wheel for steering (with one hand :-) and using another
hand for shifting and accelerate/brake. It really worked
nice and gave the feeling of driving a real car! It just
is much difficult to control the car when it goes to
the grass around the track... Has anyone noticed that
with the T1, or another wheel?

Finally, one last question. Is anyone really sure that
there will be a F1GP 2 ?? I hope so, but first the
F1 rules should not be changing every six months. :-(


P.S. - Is there a maling-list for F1GP anywhere? is a usenet newsgroup formed in December, 1993. As this group was always unmoderated there may be some spam or off topic articles included. Some links do point back to as we could not validate the original address. Please report any pages that you believe warrant deletion from this archive (include the link in your email). is in no way responsible and does not endorse any of the content herein.