> I read somewhere that I should be using different setups for qualifying and
> race.
> Why?
> I downloaded some guy's hotlap setup for the Lotus, and put in 500+ laps at
> Monza. Now I'm doing 1.28.xx consistently, as opposed to 1.30++ with default
> setups.
> Why should I alter a setup designed for hotlaps that has proven itself to be
> a success, just because I'm going to race?
> GPL veterans: Share your hard earned knowledge with this newbie.
> Jon
You don't necessarily need a "Qualifying" setup. While driving in a
race, you have to be able to conserve the tires by way of Not over
heating them. And, With a Qualifying setup, you can have a car that's
loose as hell. With this setup you'll be quite a bit faster then your
normal for at least two laps. After that, the car would become almost
uncontrollable. With a "Race" setup, you need to be able to safely
drive many different lines on the track while in traffic. This means
setting it up quite differently then your Qualifying setup.
Unfortunately, most practice sessions for Pickup races are just a bit
shorter then the race it self. So, for those races, you can use any
setup. For league races it's not much different, but your finishing
position is a whole lot more dependent on your starting position. Now
if you were in a league that had 30 minutes or less for qualifying for a
full length GP race, then a separate Qualifying and Race setup is
To sum it up.. a Qualifying setup can be made to run one line and there
for make quick laps. A Race setup must be more conservative to allow
for traffic.
Just my $0.02 worth,
Mike Barlow of Barlow Racing?
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