Monster3dII HELP


Monster3dII HELP

by <jonesrac.. » Sun, 20 Sep 1998 04:00:00

Just replaced my old monster with a new 12meg M3DII,
what a nightmare, took the old one out pluged in the new new
turned computer back on, would not boot up, said the registry was missing or
damaged, finally got back to a "c" prompt and my "windows" directory was
gone, then I saw a new directory names
"null" it had everything my windows directory use to have in it.
tried re-name it back to windows but would not let me.
Then I decided to re-install Win98, this all started about 9:00 last night
I finally went to bed around 2:00am with Win98 still installing, it finally
finished today around 2:pm, now none of my old games work, like
F1 said it was expecting a 3dfx driver? motorcross maddness want run at all
even after re-intalling, neither of the NFSIII demo's will run, want even
let me run the 3dcard setup.
Anyone else have this much trouble, maybe I had a virus or something that
caused all the trouble I don't know, but I quess my real quesitons are;
 1. Is there a patch for F1 to run on voodoo II?
2. and Motorcross Madness?

sorry about the long post, but it was just amazing how much trouble I have


Tim -fusio

Monster3dII HELP

by Tim -fusio » Sun, 20 Sep 1998 04:00:00

> 1. Is there a patch for F1 to run on voodoo II?
>2. and Motorcross Madness?
>sorry about the long post, but it was just amazing how much trouble I have

That sure was amazing.
I swapped a Monster 1 for an STB Black Magic (Voodoo2), and was up and
running in minutes.
Did you uninstall the original card's software before putting in the
new one? It sounds like the problems you mentioned might be due to the
V1 drivers conflicting with the V2.
The 3Dfx reference drivers have a feature that will scan your system
for old files and remove them.

I don't know about F1, but Motocross Madness doesn't need a patch for
Voodoo2, it runs fine. What type of problem are you having?

    (dirt bikes, rat bikes, rental car abuse...)

Rafael Medeiro

Monster3dII HELP

by Rafael Medeiro » Sun, 20 Sep 1998 04:00:00

yes patch 1.09 made for voodoo2 cards on

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