what a nightmare, took the old one out pluged in the new new
turned computer back on, would not boot up, said the registry was missing or
damaged, finally got back to a "c" prompt and my "windows" directory was
gone, then I saw a new directory names
"null" it had everything my windows directory use to have in it.
tried re-name it back to windows but would not let me.
Then I decided to re-install Win98, this all started about 9:00 last night
I finally went to bed around 2:00am with Win98 still installing, it finally
finished today around 2:pm, now none of my old games work, like
F1 said it was expecting a 3dfx driver? motorcross maddness want run at all
even after re-intalling, neither of the NFSIII demo's will run, want even
let me run the 3dcard setup.
Anyone else have this much trouble, maybe I had a virus or something that
caused all the trouble I don't know, but I quess my real quesitons are;
1. Is there a patch for F1 to run on voodoo II?
2. and Motorcross Madness?
sorry about the long post, but it was just amazing how much trouble I have