because otherwise I can't calibrate my controller. I can calibrate it in
Windows okay, but when I go to a game the Y axis is always messed up. I've
tried recalibrating a million times, but when I have to use Windows'
settings it never works... when I calibrate in Papy's games it's always
So... anyone familiar with this? In Windows the joystick appears to
calibrate fine, the center is fine, it moves all the way to the four corners
of the little calibration box, but it never works in games. The Y axis is
always off (by off I mean it's "up" about 30% when centered and only goes to
about 70% down). The joystick does have a little adjuster on the side but
that doesn't help either :(
My GPL Rank is -13 with this joystick and I really wanna start playing GP3
and Super 1 Karting which I just got but can't get it. Why don't these
other games have in game calibration like Papy does? Even N4 has it. I
know my joystick is a piece of ***but I like it. Anyone got any ideas?