in most sims (esp. older) you shouldn't see all that much difference
between resolutions unless you go very high up. Most sims aren't fill
rate limited, and so the fill rate isn't important.
I am using the 7.something Hercules drivers that were released a few
days ago (go to ), and I don't have any
problems. I tend to stick with original Hercules drivers as they seem to
perform well and, most importantly, they seem to be tested well as I
have absolutely no compatibility issues with them.
> x-no-archive: yes
> Hi Guys,
> Just installed my Hercules prophet geforce 2 mx 32m, and I've discovered
> that I can choose whatever resolution I like, the frame rate is the same,
> except for 800x600 which seems to run slightly slower than all the others,
> and causes the occasional crash.