FAQ Request

Court Wal

FAQ Request

by Court Wal » Fri, 26 Aug 1994 01:00:57


I was wondering if someone could either post (or point me in the direction of)
the FAQ for this group.  Thanks in advance.


\  Court Walpe        \  "Me and my brother used to say that drowning in beer /
 \ Dept. of Physics    \   was like heaven.  Now he's gone, and I've got two /
 / Univ. of Notre Dame  \   soakers.  This ain't heaven, this SUCKS!"        \
/  Notre Dame, IN 46556  \                   -Bob McKenzie, "Strange Brew"    \

Andy H Coat

FAQ Request

by Andy H Coat » Fri, 26 Aug 1994 18:11:14

>Subject: FAQ Request
>Date: 24 Aug 1994 16:00:57 GMT
>I was wondering if someone could either post (or point me in the direction of)
>the FAQ for this group.  Thanks in advance.
>                                                Court

There are two FAQs for this group, for both F1GP and ICR, they can be found at
the usual sites, (FTP)  (FTP, WWW and Gopher)

These FAQs don't seem to have been updated for a while though. Are the authors
still around?


Mark Pfeif

FAQ Request

by Mark Pfeif » Fri, 26 Aug 1994 23:08:58

: There are two FAQs for this group, for both F1GP and ICR, they can be found at
: the usual sites,

: (FTP)
:  (FTP, WWW and Gopher)

: These FAQs don't seem to have been updated for a while though. Are the authors
: still around?

This author of the ICR FAQ is still around, but other demands have taken
away the time that I had been using to both play ICR and update the FAQ.
Also, apart from input from Papyrus, I have recieved exactly one piece
of information for the FAQ from an interested reader.

I'll update the FAQ, if people start sending me frequently asked questions
and their answers.  Keep those cards and letters coming!

If you have something that you feel belongs in the ICR FAQ, send it to


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