I have a Gateway G6-266 M that was purchased solely to run Sierra's Nascar2
on the Total Entertainment networks Nascar Online Racing Series.
I have (as best as I can tell) Nascar2 ver. 1.00
The trouble is this: While N2 runs fine (awesome in fact!) loaded and
played through DOS, it will not run through Windows which is necessary for
NRO. It will not work whether I go out for the Sierra auto-update or not.
The following error message is received:
AN EXCEPTION HAS OCCURRED AT 0028:C0006882 IN VxD Vmm (01) + 00005B812.
THIS WAS CALLED FROM 0028:C0009C1D IN VxD (Vmm01) + 00008cid. IT MAY BE
This error message seems to change depending on what sound card
address/dma/irq are entered in game to set up sound card. (still get error
even if no sound card selected.)
Changes I made: TEN NRO Enabler has been loaded
Directx5 from Microsoft has been loaded
Sprynet has been reloaded twice as when it locks up it shuts down
abnormally and it
kills browser if it is active(I think)
The entire reason (and sole purpose) of this computer was to run N2 with
online racing. Nothing else is on it except wife's Duke Nukem 3D (DOS)
and Sprynet Internet (loaded from included disc) as I seem to keep getting
my internet corrupted trying to get N2 to run
I am new with PC's but can follow instruction. Could someone please tell
me how to set this all up to do this. I have a bunch of money invested in
what is essentially a toy. I am desperate. Please help!
Joe Valicenti