% I have a setup on one of the tracks that will allow me to pit at just short
% of a normal green flag stop and change right-side tires only. Which
% is good, but the reason I have to pit is my right front tire is red.
% The right rear is borderline green to yellow.
% I assume my camber needs to be adjusted, but which way, more negative
% or positive?
% If not what might you suggest?
It is more likely that you need to re-adjust your shocks or tire
pressure. If the tire temps are pretty even across the RF the camber
should be okay. It sounds as if your carset up is pushing going into or
out of the turns. Check the tire temps while you are on the track and
see if you can tell when the tire starts heating up. If it is picking
up heat going into the turn try softening the RF shock (or stiffen the
RR). If it is heating up on the exit of the turn try softening the LF
shock or stiffen the LR shock. Depending on the track you may also need
to slow a little bit more going into the the turns. You may be running
too hard into the turns and putting too much stress on your RF.
In my experiences camber settings cause a mimimum affect on tire wear
(unless the tire temps are way off). However, camber settings do aid
quite abit in helping the car turn. Usually more negative camber in the
RF will aid in getting the car turned left.
**************************** Michael E. Carver *************************
Upside out, or inside down...False alarm the only game in town.
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