> Firstly I am an automatic gearbox racer. I have always
> done well with it. But what I cannot believe is that the
> old GP1 intermittent bug of getting stuck in 2nd gear and
> having to release the throttle to get it to change into third
> has found it's way into GP2. Typical !
> However the big problem is 1st gear.
> As you know if you are anything but perfectly straight in 1st gear
> you will lose it if you floor it. With the automatic box
> you always drop to 1st on tight corners and so you lose time
> waiting to straighten out before you can accelarate. I have
> tried changing the ratios which has helped but I was wondering
> if anyone else has found an ideal solution. Aida is a nightmare.
> Ian.Ok, the word 'simulation' rears it's ugly head.
Try taking a 3 litre sporty hatchback with rear wheel drive. (perhaps a Mitsubishi 3000GT
with no 4 wheel drive or traction control).
Place said car on an ice rink. Turn the wheel 5 degrees to the left. Engage 1st, touch the
Now use a compass to find out which way you're pointing.
This is what f1 driving is about. This is why the drivers in f1 are so good. Because they
have superb control. We might say 'Hill's crap' or 'Schumacher's rubbish' or whatever. The
fact is that these guys in the same car would probably lap within 2-3% of each others times.
You, me, most other people (I did say most, before anyone flames me) would lap at maybe 75%
of their speed. Tops. If we managed to get round the course at all. I've done some racing
driving in f3000. That's bad enough.
There's been a lot of discussion on this as to various factors of the game. I'd like to
mention some points.
1) The game is hard. Harder than f1gp1. Good. If it was easy I'd have been disappointed at
spending 30 quid on it.
2) Black Flags don't disqualify you. Good. It's tough enough getting through some of these
chicanes anyway wihout having to restart the race every time.
3) Sand Traps don't stop you. See above.
and so on.
Some things are missing..painting, weather, IPX support...ok. fine. I hope they come in. I
also hope they come in the form of a patch rather than an upgrade...At the moment however,
I'm having problems getting round some of these courses as it is, let alone in the wet
against 'real people'.
Lets all give Mr. Crammond a big hearty round of applause for making one of the few games
around that is both an excellent sim and an excellent game. Lets encourage him to perfect
the package with these things that we know are 'nearly there', enjoy what we have and wait
with eager anticipation for F1GP2.1, the greatest game ever.