To those unhappy with The Pits (obDaytona)

Tony Joh

To those unhappy with The Pits (obDaytona)

by Tony Joh » Fri, 31 May 1996 04:00:00

(soapbox on)

Ladies and gentlemen of

It is my understanding that some ill-bred and completely stone-headed
people are sending mail to Jed and the gang at The Pits saying
(referring to the Daytona deal), and I quote:

"you guys are pussies"

Now, I realize that the great unwashed majority of you here in believe that the sim racing world was created
specifically for YOU, and you alone.  How else could one explain the
torrential flow of posts like the following:

"Papyrus, you suck.. we want Indy and we'll do anything to get it cuz
we MADE you"

I could go on, but anyone reading this newsgroup can see what I'm
talking about.

For those who don't know already, the sim efforts at The Pits,
IWCCCARS, Spyder's page, Mike Carver's site, even at IVGA, are NOT
big-business hackers.  Take away the Web site, these are ordinary
people with ordinary lives.  This is not our job -- we do what we do
IN ADDITION to our jobs, our families, and everything else that goes
along with life.  Sometimes we only have two or three hours a night
TOTAL to spend with our wives and children, and many nights TO PLEASE
YOU, THE SIM USERS, we forgo that to do site updates, new patches, new
cars, etc. etc. etc.  We sacrifice a LOT for what we do, and we don't
get paid for it.  IVGA is lucky because they have deals with computer
manufacturers and other sponsors, but still even they are just
run-of-the-mill guys.

On the same vein, I get mad at people who rail at Papyrus for not
working miracles with their simulators.  Believe it or not, guys, the
Papyrus people (Rick, Ed, Adam, etc.) are just normal people who put
their pants on one leg at a time.  They are not here to cater to your
every whim.  Sure, they get paid to write simulators.  They do NOT get
paid for the kind of customer support they are lending on this
newsgroup.  Be glad they're here -- do you see ANYONE (except maybe
Joker) from any other software company talking to you directly, trying
to help you with their products?  I think it takes a lot of courage
and patience for those guys to brave a crowd like this one.

So you might understand a little better why we don't answer e-mails
that are just plain out of the spectrum of believability.  I don't
know how many e-mails a day Jed gets asking for track editors, patches
to allow flips on superspeedways, etc.  I get the idea that people
think the Daytona patch was actually going to look like Daytona -- all
it would have been was Talladega with some objects moved around and AI
tweaks.  I'm sorry to disappoint some of you who think that we can
work miracles (no, I can't change the NASCAR car model to look like a
Superbird.. I just paint cars), but we're doing the best we can.

Normally, we try not to go off the handle about this subject because
we don't want to appear immodest or glory-seeking.  But with a baby
due in a month that will probably force me to practically shut down
IWCCCARS, and KNOWING that I'll start getting hundreds of mails
accusing me and the design team of being lazy with updates, I just
couldn't keep quiet about this any longer.

I just want to say "Thank you," on behalf of IWCCCARS and all of the
rest who work to make simulation racing better, to all of you who have
sent supporting and encouraging e-mails to us.  It really  makes what
we do worth our time.  To the rest of you... lighten up.  Appreciate
the fact that what we're doing is FREE for you.  You're getting what
we offer with no effort on your part.

(off soapbox)

IWCCCARS Project Coordinator
Racer's Choice Web Directory Editor
Hawaii Racer ID: IWCCCARS

Larry Linthicu

To those unhappy with The Pits (obDaytona)

by Larry Linthicu » Fri, 31 May 1996 04:00:00

> (soapbox on)

> Ladies and gentlemen of

> It is my understanding that some ill-bred and completely stone-headed
> people are sending mail to Jed and the gang at The Pits saying
> (referring to the Daytona deal), and I quote:

> "you guys are pussies"

> Now, I realize that the great unwashed majority of you here in
> believe that the sim racing world was created
> specifically for YOU, and you alone.  How else could one explain the
> torrential flow of posts like the following:

> "Papyrus, you suck.. we want Indy and we'll do anything to get it cuz
> we MADE you"

> I could go on, but anyone reading this newsgroup can see what I'm
> talking about.

> For those who don't know already, the sim efforts at The Pits,
> IWCCCARS, Spyder's page, Mike Carver's site, even at IVGA, are NOT
> big-business hackers.  Take away the Web site, these are ordinary
> people with ordinary lives.  This is not our job -- we do what we do
> IN ADDITION to our jobs, our families, and everything else that goes
> along with life.  Sometimes we only have two or three hours a night
> TOTAL to spend with our wives and children, and many nights TO PLEASE
> YOU, THE SIM USERS, we forgo that to do site updates, new patches, new
> cars, etc. etc. etc.  We sacrifice a LOT for what we do, and we don't
> get paid for it.  IVGA is lucky because they have deals with computer
> manufacturers and other sponsors, but still even they are just
> run-of-the-mill guys.

> On the same vein, I get mad at people who rail at Papyrus for not
> working miracles with their simulators.  Believe it or not, guys, the
> Papyrus people (Rick, Ed, Adam, etc.) are just normal people who put
> their pants on one leg at a time.  They are not here to cater to your
> every whim.  Sure, they get paid to write simulators.  They do NOT get
> paid for the kind of customer support they are lending on this
> newsgroup.  Be glad they're here -- do you see ANYONE (except maybe
> Joker) from any other software company talking to you directly, trying
> to help you with their products?  I think it takes a lot of courage
> and patience for those guys to brave a crowd like this one.

> So you might understand a little better why we don't answer e-mails
> that are just plain out of the spectrum of believability.  I don't
> know how many e-mails a day Jed gets asking for track editors, patches
> to allow flips on superspeedways, etc.  I get the idea that people
> think the Daytona patch was actually going to look like Daytona -- all
> it would have been was Talladega with some objects moved around and AI
> tweaks.  I'm sorry to disappoint some of you who think that we can
> work miracles (no, I can't change the NASCAR car model to look like a
> Superbird.. I just paint cars), but we're doing the best we can.

> Normally, we try not to go off the handle about this subject because
> we don't want to appear immodest or glory-seeking.  But with a baby
> due in a month that will probably force me to practically shut down
> IWCCCARS, and KNOWING that I'll start getting hundreds of mails
> accusing me and the design team of being lazy with updates, I just
> couldn't keep quiet about this any longer.

> I just want to say "Thank you," on behalf of IWCCCARS and all of the
> rest who work to make simulation racing better, to all of you who have
> sent supporting and encouraging e-mails to us.  It really  makes what
> we do worth our time.  To the rest of you... lighten up.  Appreciate
> the fact that what we're doing is FREE for you.  You're getting what
> we offer with no effort on your part.

> (off soapbox)
> --

> IWCCCARS Project Coordinator
> Racer's Choice Web Directory Editor
> Hawaii Racer ID: IWCCCARS

        Well Said.  I OFTEN wonder if the average age of
reader/contributors is post-adolescent, the wailing, bellyaching,
***ing and plain bad manners barely compensate for the rare tidbit of
info on my favorite games.
                                A grumpy old ( 48 ) man
                                Larry Linthicum
                                KIMSHEW    "in Hawaii"

To those unhappy with The Pits (obDaytona)

by Mhein » Fri, 31 May 1996 04:00:00

Johns) writes:
> To the rest of you... lighten up.  Appreciate
>the fact that what we're doing is FREE for you.  You're getting what
>we offer with no effort on your part.

>(off soapbox)

>IWCCCARS Project Coordinator
>Racer's Choice Web Directory Editor
>Hawaii Racer ID: IWCCCARS

The man is right !!!!!!!! Jeeeze Its just a damn game! You cant take an
game and expect to change it all together!  CARS FLIPPING??!! God, who
the hell would ask for that and how do they expect to it to be done????
If Papyrus didnt write it into the game programming it cant be changed!
I would venture to say that most people who ask for these "options"
have no idea how a program works on a computer! If you insist on having
a Daytona track or a 'car flip' (snicker!) , dig-on-in and figure out how
program works, ask (smart!) questions and see if it can be done yourself!!
These people arent miracle workers, they just have a love for computers
Nascar racing ! We owe them all THANKS for what they have given us!
I'm new to this group, but it seems like some if given an inch would ***
because they want a foot! Take what they give you or do It yourself!!

(*** PRESSURE CHECK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ok!)          

THANK YOU : Tony John, IWCCCARS,Jed, The Pits, Gerhard, Spyder, Rob ,
and anyone else who has added to this game!

   Mike Heinen

Tim Henni

To those unhappy with The Pits (obDaytona)

by Tim Henni » Fri, 31 May 1996 04:00:00

I'm gonna go out on a limb here, and say "thanx" for the awesome car sets
you've put out.  If it weren't for IWCCCARS, I'd still be using the
prepacked car sets, thats how bad I am at using Paintkit!  : )  And to
the Pits, another "thanx" for all of the great util.'s they've put out.  
I agree with you 100% Tony...

             -Tim Hennies
"Pay no mind to us, we're just a minor threat!"
"Racing is a part of me, it's in my ***."

John Wallac

To those unhappy with The Pits (obDaytona)

by John Wallac » Fri, 31 May 1996 04:00:00


Try doing it yourself, reel in shock at the amount of effort it takes,
wonder why you have no spare time anymore, and THEN think about moaning
at people....


          __    _____|                                 |_____    __
_________|  |__|    :|          John Wallace           |     |__|  |_________

  \     :|  |::|    :|       Team WW Racing TSW        |     |::|  |      /
    >   :|  |::|    :|_________________________________|     |::|  |    <
  /     :|__|::|____:/         Sim Racing News         \.____|::|__|      \
/_______:/  \::/    \::/  \._______\


To those unhappy with The Pits (obDaytona)

by LJA » Sat, 01 Jun 1996 04:00:00

> (soapbox on)

> Ladies and gentlemen of

> It is my understanding that some ill-bred and completely stone-headed
> people are sending mail to Jed and the gang at The Pits saying
> (referring to the Daytona deal), and I quote:

> "you guys are pussies"

> Now, I realize that the great unwashed majority of you here in
> believe that the sim racing world was created
> specifically for YOU, and you alone.  How else could one explain the
> torrential flow of posts like the following:

> "Papyrus, you suck.. we want Indy and we'll do anything to get it cuz
> we MADE you"

> I could go on, but anyone reading this newsgroup can see what I'm
> talking about........................................
> ................

I wrote this yesterday. Glad to see all the responses that agree with me!

To Tony, Jed, & ALL other contributors,

I just want to say thanks for all you have done for us users of NCR. This
newsgroup & your e-mails should be full THANK YOUS, not complaints! When
I first got on line, the main thing that surprised me about The Net,
especially in this age of over commercialism, is the way people
interact(ed) without always trying to make a buck! I'm even more shocked
to see posts from someone actually from Papyrus themselves! I think what
you guys have done has even helped the popularity of auto racing (NASCAR
in particular), by showing a "friendly atmosphere", which has helped
bring a lot of people together. Don't risk a law suit; It's not worth it!
Your not gonna be able to fight huge corporations without a lot of pain &
suffering. If the suit was over child labor laws or something REALLY
IMPORTANT, that would be different!  Again thanks!

To The Whiners,

If you want all this free stuff, why the hell don't you learn how to do
it yourself! A computer is just that a COMPUTER! Learn how to PROGRAM,
EDIT files etc. etc...That's what I have done(doing!)! You CAN learn IF
you use some PATIENTS & COMMON SENSE (...or is that the problem?...) If
all you want to do is play games or race at Daytona, GO GET A SEGA
In the meantime, GET OFF these guys(girls?) backs, they've done MORE than
enough already!


Stuart Boo

To those unhappy with The Pits (obDaytona)

by Stuart Boo » Sat, 01 Jun 1996 04:00:00

>    Well Said.  I OFTEN wonder if the average age of
>reader/contributors is post-adolescent, the wailing, bellyaching,
>***ing and plain bad manners barely compensate for the rare tidbit of
>info on my favorite games.

I've said it before, and I still stand by it. Compared to some groups,
the geniality in this group is outstanding. That's not to say it's
perfect by any means, just that there IS a nice sense of community
here if you see what I mean!


Stuart Booth
Somewhere in Godalming, England, UK


To those unhappy with The Pits (obDaytona)

by WOD » Tue, 04 Jun 1996 04:00:00

I hear you! Thanks for all of the good work! I have benefitted greatly
from people like you. I have DLed car sets and setups and I have never
taken the time to say thanks to everyone who helps make this such a great
sim. And thanks again for prompting me to make good on my obligation to
say thanks and lend whatever support you get from it!

Hawaii: Rustbucket

A. Walk

To those unhappy with The Pits (obDaytona)

by A. Walk » Fri, 07 Jun 1996 04:00:00

>> (soapbox on)

>> Ladies and gentlemen of

>> It is my understanding that some ill-bred and completely stone-headed
>> people are sending mail to Jed and the gang at The Pits saying
>> (referring to the Daytona deal), and I quote:

>> "you guys are pussies"

>> Now, I realize that the great unwashed majority of you here in
>> believe that the sim racing world was created
>> specifically for YOU, and you alone.  How else could one explain the
>> torrential flow of posts like the following:

>> "Papyrus, you suck.. we want Indy and we'll do anything to get it cuz
>> we MADE you"

>> I could go on, but anyone reading this newsgroup can see what I'm
>> talking about.

>> For those who don't know already, the sim efforts at The Pits,
>> IWCCCARS, Spyder's page, Mike Carver's site, even at IVGA, are NOT
>> big-business hackers.  Take away the Web site, these are ordinary
>> people with ordinary lives.  This is not our job -- we do what we do
>> IN ADDITION to our jobs, our families, and everything else that goes
>> along with life.  Sometimes we only have two or three hours a night
>> TOTAL to spend with our wives and children, and many nights TO PLEASE
>> YOU, THE SIM USERS, we forgo that to do site updates, new patches, new
>> cars, etc. etc. etc.  We sacrifice a LOT for what we do, and we don't
>> get paid for it.  IVGA is lucky because they have deals with computer
>> manufacturers and other sponsors, but still even they are just
>> run-of-the-mill guys.

>> On the same vein, I get mad at people who rail at Papyrus for not
>> working miracles with their simulators.  Believe it or not, guys, the
>> Papyrus people (Rick, Ed, Adam, etc.) are just normal people who put
>> their pants on one leg at a time.  They are not here to cater to your
>> every whim.  Sure, they get paid to write simulators.  They do NOT get
>> paid for the kind of customer support they are lending on this
>> newsgroup.  Be glad they're here -- do you see ANYONE (except maybe
>> Joker) from any other software company talking to you directly, trying
>> to help you with their products?  I think it takes a lot of courage
>> and patience for those guys to brave a crowd like this one.

>> So you might understand a little better why we don't answer e-mails
>> that are just plain out of the spectrum of believability.  I don't
>> know how many e-mails a day Jed gets asking for track editors, patches
>> to allow flips on superspeedways, etc.  I get the idea that people
>> think the Daytona patch was actually going to look like Daytona -- all
>> it would have been was Talladega with some objects moved around and AI
>> tweaks.  I'm sorry to disappoint some of you who think that we can
>> work miracles (no, I can't change the NASCAR car model to look like a
>> Superbird.. I just paint cars), but we're doing the best we can.

>> Normally, we try not to go off the handle about this subject because
>> we don't want to appear immodest or glory-seeking.  But with a baby
>> due in a month that will probably force me to practically shut down
>> IWCCCARS, and KNOWING that I'll start getting hundreds of mails
>> accusing me and the design team of being lazy with updates, I just
>> couldn't keep quiet about this any longer.

>> I just want to say "Thank you," on behalf of IWCCCARS and all of the
>> rest who work to make simulation racing better, to all of you who have
>> sent supporting and encouraging e-mails to us.  It really  makes what
>> we do worth our time.  To the rest of you... lighten up.  Appreciate
>> the fact that what we're doing is FREE for you.  You're getting what
>> we offer with no effort on your part.

>> (off soapbox)
>> --

>> IWCCCARS Project Coordinator
>> Racer's Choice Web Directory Editor
>> Hawaii Racer ID: IWCCCARS

>        Well Said.  I OFTEN wonder if the average age of
>reader/contributors is post-adolescent, the wailing, bellyaching,
>***ing and plain bad manners barely compensate for the rare tidbit of
>info on my favorite games.
>                                A grumpy old ( 48 ) man
>                                Larry Linthicum
>                                KIMSHEW    "in Hawaii"

Here Here Well said and many thanks to all of you who make my sim driving
expierience so much better.

Cheers Quozl

A. Walker

Lennox Head, Nsw, Australia
<insert totally inappropriate sig here> is a usenet newsgroup formed in December, 1993. As this group was always unmoderated there may be some spam or off topic articles included. Some links do point back to as we could not validate the original address. Please report any pages that you believe warrant deletion from this archive (include the link in your email). is in no way responsible and does not endorse any of the content herein.