Have you tried the Live for Speed demo?
Jan Otto
Um, so you think we can all afford Vipers then? My dear man, can I have
some of that stuff you're smokin'? ;)
Regards, Ruud
That, my friend, is the finest Pickup truck motor money can buy!!!
dave henrie
Some Call Me Tim
> >>They need a PC sim that lets you drive ordinary cars like Gran
> >>Turismo. It's pretty fun just to race the Mini, the PT Cruiser, or all
> >>those little Hondas around. Midtown Madness has some of these, but I
> > Try Viper
> Um, so you think we can all afford Vipers then? My dear man, can I have
> some of that stuff you're smokin'? ;)
> Regards, Ruud
Yeah, I have. It may have potential, but it's only about half
What direction is that game going, multiplayer single race type
game, or a singleplayer game with a "career" type game and
arcade/instant race mode, or some of both?
Sean Higgins
PRI-- http://www.performance-racing.net/
My Ferrari pictures
My Trans Am Pictures
> >>They need a PC sim that lets you drive ordinary cars like Gran
> >>Turismo. It's pretty fun just to race the Mini, the PT Cruiser, or all
> >>those little Hondas around. Midtown Madness has some of these, but I
> > Try Viper
> Um, so you think we can all afford Vipers then? My dear man, can I have
> some of that stuff you're smokin'? ;)
> Regards, Ruud