> I have been enjoying Nacar racing on my 486DX33 w/8mb RAM for awhile now.
> Happily I am upgrading to a P100 w/32mb RAM and a 2mb video card. (Not to
> mention a CD)
> My question is this... Is the CDrom version of Nascar worthwhile getting? (I
> currently have the disk version) The main thing I would want it for is the
> SVGA capability but I don't want to bother if I'm going to have to turn ALL
> the detail off to get it. :)
One, you should call up the Papyrus BBS (it's in the manual) and you'll
get a lot of experience from other folks. Two: Yes, get the CD version.
With a Pentium, it's supposed to be worth it. You *will* have to turn
off some detail (grass would be my first pick and track surface the
second) but will get great frame rates with the rest of the detail on.
I've heard of folks with similar systems that were able to get 20 cars in
front of them, 6 cars behind and get 30 fps in such a config. Of course
a good video card helps.