I was just saying in another thread how I seem to get my tyres to last well
on road courses. I've just done an 80L Indy race in preparation for the new
Cup season and all of a sudden I'm one of the worst in regards to tyre wear.
Anyone have any tricks or advice on making them last better?
I tried tearing off in third place and soon had a 5s gap over 4th but then
slowed as the tyres went and lost it all. Next stint I tried staying calm.
Only difference was I went slow in the early laps then slower as the tyres
wear. It's driving me nuts ;) Ginger's a great example of what I can't do.
In most races he'll set off on my pace or a couple of tenths off and by
halfway through the stint he's lapping way faster. If I try a practice run
lapping at his original pace at the beginning, I can't match his later pace.
I guess this means it's 'lines/controls' related rather than sheer pace.
All advice/insults gratefully received ;)