> > $40.00 shipped to any 48 states.
> Not sure if the T2 is considered more desirable,
Well, I see your point, but if someones looking for a steering wheel and
pedals cheaply, this ain bad. Especially if someones looking for an
entry level....
but the Best Buy near
Well, I doubt thats the T2, that sounds like the original Thrustamster.
And why do you say that? I don't need it. Besides for $40.00 its not
badly priced and it works great. Yes, I know there are new wheels for
$100+ that are better but for someone thats looking for an a steering
wheel to run some sims, its fine......
I paid like $199 for my
Well there comes a time when you have to sell things you don't need.
Things depreciate, its a fact of life. Deal with it ;)