TOCA Championship


TOCA Championship

by Bren » Tue, 01 Sep 1998 04:00:00

I just saw this game at Best Buy.  Is it new or an old import?  If it is
new, is it anygood?  Does it have a***pit view with 3d acceleration?



TOCA Championship

by PHendrix » Tue, 01 Sep 1998 04:00:00

Yes it has 3d support, and it also has an in car view complete with hands on
the wheel.  As far as realism, I think it may be a bit more of an arcade racer,
no steup options at all, other than manual or auto trans.

Tony Lon

TOCA Championship

by Tony Lon » Wed, 02 Sep 1998 04:00:00

Be careful that the product you saw fits the application you intend i.e.
PC or Playstation. I saw a commercial for the Playstation version
Sunday. The PC version (as far as I know) was previously not availible
in the US stores. It's an ok game, but it may not be enough for those
with discerning tastes. Personally, I think it's a good addition to my
collection. Later...

Tony Long

> I just saw this game at Best Buy.  Is it new or an old import?  If it is
> new, is it anygood?  Does it have a***pit view with 3d acceleration?

> Thanks

Michael Zamaroc

TOCA Championship

by Michael Zamaroc » Wed, 02 Sep 1998 04:00:00

Where did you see TOCA on TV? What channel????

> Be careful that the product you saw fits the application you intend i.e.
> PC or Playstation. I saw a commercial for the Playstation version
> Sunday. The PC version (as far as I know) was previously not availible
> in the US stores. It's an ok game, but it may not be enough for those
> with discerning tastes. Personally, I think it's a good addition to my
> collection. Later...

> Tony Long


TOCA Championship

by yus » Wed, 02 Sep 1998 04:00:00

The Advert was on during the Spa F1 GP on my local Fox Sports channel.
Fox Sports Detroit.
The other Fox channels might have shown it as well.
Did you watch the Grand Prix?
Looked like TOCA on steroids.

Tony Lon

TOCA Championship

by Tony Lon » Thu, 03 Sep 1998 04:00:00

I watched the tape-delayed (no Speedvision here) version of the F1 race.
What a nightmare that must have been for the drivers. major malfunction
on the first lap. Maybe a blessing in disguise, eventually a smaller
field. I'm surprised they kept racing in that monsoon.


Tony Long

> >Where did you see TOCA on TV? What channel????

> The Advert was on during the Spa F1 GP on my local Fox Sports channel.
> Fox Sports Detroit.
> The other Fox channels might have shown it as well.
> Did you watch the Grand Prix?
> Looked like TOCA on steroids.

Paul Jone

TOCA Championship

by Paul Jone » Sat, 05 Sep 1998 04:00:00

My advice is just say no. It goes like this:
You hate it to start with, you can't keep the car on the road and the AI
cars knock you off once you get the hang.
But then you start to get good. You stay awake deep into the night.
Your wife leaves you.
You lose your job.
The mortgage company reposses your home.
You start stealing to get the coins to keep the electricity meter flowing to
feed the pc.
You wind up in the gutter.
Best just to say no :-)

> I just saw this game at Best Buy.  Is it new or an old import?  If it is
> new, is it anygood?  Does it have a***pit view with 3d acceleration?

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