to form his own company. Called The Code Mafia, two
Nvidia colleagues are also joining him, leaving only
one member of the European Developer team. A bit of a
hole to fill, then. But the team isleaving with
Nvidia's blessing.
The Code Mafia will apply skills on improving graphics
performance learned at Nvidia and apply them to the
wider games industry, though a consultancy. "In the
first instance we will specialise in PC and Xbox
graphics and making games run faster," Huddy told us.
"Later we'll add support for other consoles."
But why would anyone want to pay for graphics
performance advice, when it is supplied free by the
likes of Nvidia and ATI? In a word, independence. The
expertise of the hardware vendors is all about gaining
market advantage when offered to the games firms,
according to Huddy: "We're turning the situation around
to solve problems from the software developer's point
of view.
get their help
and issue that patch