In the old days I used to get all the messages from
the RAS. Now it seems as I get bits and pieces. I
will get replies without headers. There seems to
be a TON of lost messages..
Don Wilshe, IVGA
In the old days I used to get all the messages from
the RAS. Now it seems as I get bits and pieces. I
will get replies without headers. There seems to
be a TON of lost messages..
Don Wilshe, IVGA
I would have to advise you to contact your ISP or whoever you
are getting your news-feed from. There is so much traffic in Usenet that
without a top of line system they can't keep up.
My ISP has over 35 gigs of hard drive space and they only retain the
binary groups for one day....35 gigs is barely enough for over 24,000 newsgroups.
Hope this helps,
But if I recall, your latencies are much better with your new ISP ;-).
Happy Lappin'
Wade Tschida