takes on a UK GT4 champ on track and in the game. Surprisingly
close in both ...
> http://driving.timesonline.co.uk/article/0,,22750-2079708,00.html
Interesting to see that traction control was required and that without
it Tiff was able to push the car a whole lot faster. Wonder if Dave
Baker would have been able to do the same?
Pete Ives
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Hopefully I'll get a shot at a few laps there on a biz trip next
week. But I don't expect to compete with my GT4 times, no sir.
The things which catch out the roadgoing cars are the compressions at speed
(Fuchsrohre, PflantzgartenII). Also, it may take longer than one might think
to stabilise the car and slow it down effectively for the tighter sections.
Other than that it's pretty safe if there aren't a miliion nutters on
motorbikes around, IMO.
Do you mean the G-forces while going uphill, or the G unloading over
the bumps, or ???
Thanks. All tips appreciated :-)
Sure about that. Who happens to know what that winning time was that Mr.
Baker set at the Nurburgring in GT4 ? (was that a full lap or BTG?)
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