> Hi Sebastien,
> The method to choose depends on how accurate of a result you want. The easiest
> way would be to buy an engine simulation program. My drag racing program has a
> simple engine model built into it that would take care of it with reasonable
> accuracy. There are other programs out there that are more involved as well.
> They need quite a lot more input info so I'd recommend them only if you're
> pretty knowledgable about engines already.
Actualy, atm, it will depend of what sort of datas the car's companies
we licence, will give to me :)
But i must prepare myslef to minimum info :)
I finish a 1st version of my dyno graph maker :)
In input i have =>
Max torque + rpm
Max Power + rpm
wich already give me 2 points on the torque curve ;)
The curve is made of 3 bezier curves.
1st from 0 rpm to max torque.
2nd from max torque to max power.
3rd form max power to redline.
I have also other parameter to change the curve shape :
-flatness at max torque : at max torque the tangeant of the curve is
perfectly horizontal, with this parameter i can increase the with of
this tangeant, so the curve is more round or sharper at max torque
-flatness at max power
-start tangeant, i can change the start tangeeant at 0 rpm, so the
torque curve will be more like an exponential or logarithm curve
-end tangeant
i post the exe if you wanna take a look and give me feedback :)
I post it on alt.binaries.simulators.autos
--- Ocrana.Racing.Ati|MagicFr#6 --- www.ocrana.com ---
--- Sebastien TIXIER --- Dynamics and Car Physics ---
--- Eden Games --- www.eden-games.com ---