> > I see some people have no conception of what goes on here at all.
> Um, duh, no, please explain the concept. You didn't even mention
> a FAQ or anything so that we could read about it.
> > First: This is a DEMO! Does anyone know what "demo" means?
> Um, duh, no, why don't you explain it to us. Oh wait, you explain it below.
> Cool! Thanks!
> > don't go wasting bandwidth here telling us and Papyrus
> > how this needs
> > changed, that doesn't look right, or it won't run on your computer! That
> > is what a "demo"
> > is...a "demonstration" of a product.
> Um, don't you think Papyrus might be trying to gather data form this
> newsgroup,
> not looking for alot of nice words to boost their egos? If you know of
> somewhere
> for us to post problems, perhaps it would have been more constructive if
> you
> had mentioned that. And if Papyrus knew ahead of time full well that this
> "demo"
> is the furthest thing from the final product, then what's the point. When a
> company
> releases a demo of a new car, you think they let people drive it if there
> is something
> majorly wrong with the product. Like maybe the suspension isn't quite
> finished, oh
> and they forget to mention in the READ.ME that you SHOULDN'T TURN THE CAR!
> Papyrus' first Nascar demo was perfect, and the final product was in
> everyway just
> like the demo. But if you think about it, didn't Papyrus release this one
> to all us foaming
> at the mouth racers so they could get some feedback from thousands of
> users, all of whom
> have system configurations as unique as fingerprints? Not a bad idea if you
> ask me. Free
> Beta testers.
> > The final version will be different
> > from the demo,
> > trust me.
> Um, I never have a hard time trusting people who rant.
> > Second: Read the "readme" file. Does anyone know what "readme" means?
> > YES! It
> > means "READ ME"!!!! If it says it won't run on this, or do that, or try
> > this...DO IT!
> The READ.ME is nice and all, but it doesn't explain more advanced issues
> concerning system configuration. This particular READ.ME was a little
> vague,
> and I'm surprised you even mentioned it.
> > Last: For those of you out there who haven't discovered that there are
> > words out there
> > that have more than four letters...get back in SCHOOL! And get some
> > manners.
> > And get lost...
> This might be the only thing I agree with you on, in this particular case.
> > Cheers all!
> How ironic you should put a cheerful salutation after yelling at us like
> we're children.
> > ??Jan Kohl?? **Diamond Motorsports/Mad Yanks Racing Team**
> > Computer Systems Programmer
> > USAF Air-Ground Operations School
> > Hurlburt Field, FL
> > <<http://www.theuspits.com/jkohl/>>
> > US Mirror of "The Pits" <<http://www.theuspits.com/>>
> I'm dissapointed. I came here specifically to mention that I had a small
> problem with the demo, and I thought it would be helpful if I mentioned
> that problem. I had details of my system configuration, some people leave
> out sometimes, and I was hoping Papyrus was at least a little interested
> in what those problems were. If they're nothing new, and they already have
> a fix in the final for me, that's great. But if I happen to have a
> configuration they haven't seen yet, might they like to hear about it. I
> did take a few laps at Atlanta, and the sim looks great, but I had just a
> couple of things specifically for Papyrus that I wanted to let them know
> about. But after reading a post like the one above, jeez, I better not
> mention anything to noone, never. I better just say to myself, "Well, it is
> just a demo, the final product will be PERFECT, so I'll just drive around
> Atlanta until it's release and hope everything gets fixed right up."
> Whatever...
Yeah just like Win95 is "perfect" final product right. I guess Microsoft
was using the term extremely loosley.