> And similar stunts were attempted in Britain and Germany with people
> mounting video cameras on their dashboard, with an additional one mounted
> facing the speedometer. In one case, the footage ends with the driver
> piling into the back of an innocent party's car while travelling about
> 285kph on the Autobahn. It's perverse. With paid laps at Mosport, the
> Ring, Road Atlanta etc. costing practically nothing, I cannot condone
> testosterone-charged rich boys playing with their toys on public roads. I
> won't buy this video, or any similar one.
> that's my soapbox spiel for the day. Too bad if it makes me look like a
> bleeding heart.
I really, really intended to stay out of this one, but now that the lid is
off... I wholeheartedly agree!
NOTHING, absolutely NOTHING is cool enough to justify putting other, non
participating, people's life and wellbeing on the line! If you have the $$$ to
buy a sports car and risk it, fine with me! Feel like putting your own life on
the line racing it unmodified at breakneck speeds around closed-off roads,
fine with me!
But to do as this guy apparently did and blast through open streets just in
order to get a testosterone/speed fix is just sick. To film it and sell the
tape for profit or to brag is ***ed!
And to see people in here wanting to pay $50 for the nine or twelve minutes of
it, and even some poster speaking with fascination of how the guy "used
pedestrians for apex markers" and ran redlights at full speed is appaling!
People get KILLED by jerks doing this shit, fer chrissake! You might as well
collect tapes of when those terrorists opened automatic fire on those tourists
in Egypt, or tapes of snipers in Sarajevo picking off civilians running across
the street to get water.
Just try to THINK, people! Do not support this kind of thing! Thanks Steve for
being the first to air the voice of reason.
I feel ashamed even over the fact that I did not killfile this thread from the
start but continued to read it. I was appaled and sickened but found it
morbidly fascinating to watch it unfold.
/ft, having said his part and getting out of this