Some of you may not want to hear this as I am getting tired of this thread
as well but I have to say this.. NASNET was a good idea when it started
but as it grew Alex S. became power hungry. I don't think he knew it was
happening.. It was one of those thing that snuck up on him.. As of late he
would come into the chat room and say "I AM GOD." This was mostly because
he made Daytona.. He posted it on a pssword protected site then gave the
password to NASNET member sites. He gained a lot of praise from this..
That is why he felt e could take over the Nascar2 community. He and Chris
Shearburn then focused on the NasNet league for NROS. During qualifying
Chris changed the rules many times.. He was having trouble in qualifying
and I believe he made these rule changes to better his position in the
standings. All the while this was happening Alex S. did nothing, even
after many complaints.. In short NASNET is no longer.. I recieved an
email Alex sent to Jay Fritts and others explaining that he was tired of
putting up with people ( The truth in my opinion) and was going to take
NASNET down.. Chris quit as Director of the league and NASNET is slowly
being dismantled. It won't be long till it is gone forever. Some of you
may like this some may not. I personally don't care whether it stays or
goes. I just felt obligated to tell you all what has really been going on
and hopefully end this thread.. By the way Eric T. Bush is not and never
was a part of NASNET.. I think he does this group good in answering our
questions so Please leave him out of this. Thanks for listening.
Cowen Wilson
Head Car Designer
AJ's Nascar Garage