F1TRS by Ubisoft?
Thank you
Thank you
Kenneth Verburg
Webmaster High Gear
The Legend heeft geschreven in bericht
>> Thank you
>>> Does anyone know a good site to find utilities, carsets and add-ons for
>>> F1TRS by Ubisoft?
>>> Thank you
Tim McCausland a crit dans le message
Hello Tim,
A budy and I race F1RS on Heat.net just before the F1
Race week-end... We like to do that since it gives us another dimension
while watching the real race on TV (by knowing the track).
To post a schedule would be quite difficult since we are, erm "flying" Lb2
almost everynights online.
The way F1RS works on Heat is for you to select IPX (Network) type of
connections in the menu. Then of course you have to d-load "Heat"'s proggy
called Katalyst (about 5 Mb). Then make sure in your network settings that
you have IPX listed there, if not select Add/ Protocol/ Microsoft/ IPX, then
you'll be able to launch the game from the room.
When we get into Heat, we select "play other game" from our Homebase and we
are forwarded to a "Lobby", then one of us create a room usually named F1RS.
After that we both click ready to play, the lobby closed, IPX is setting us,
then we start the game like usuall. We go to multiplayer, select "Network"
and click Ok, then when my buddy's name shows up, we click on the chat
thumbs and after that we race....
We haven't tried yet BattleCom though, but we will. We didn't experience any
lag either, one neat thing btw is to have only the two players (you can have
more Ai) cars on the track, that way we can help ourself a bit or go into a
good race, hehe.
Hope that helped,