GP2 still the king?

Michael Youn

GP2 still the king?

by Michael Youn » Sun, 30 Aug 1998 04:00:00

I haven't played race games for about a year, and just bought CPR. I was
e***d at first, but finding more things that really suck as I pound on
it (12 hours wheel time and counting now).

What's the consensus on this NG? Is GP2 still the king? Or has something
glitzier taken its place? Don't tell me that CPR is it!


P Gag

GP2 still the king?

by P Gag » Mon, 31 Aug 1998 04:00:00

GP2 *is* still king, cos it still does what it was designed to do,
brillaintly. But, a newer modern F1 sim has hit the market called
F1RS by Ubisoft, is just as good (overall) as GP2, and in some areas,
better than GP2, (graphics, newer circuits, teams, weather, etc)

As you may have heard there is also a "retro" F1 sim, called Grand
Prix Legends (GPL) by Papyrus/Sierra based on the 1967 F1 season, and
the game engine, car physics are awesome, better than GP2 & F1RS.
(Only the demo is availabe at the moment, the release date is unknown
but will be around October time?)


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