GP2: Help me with my starts!!

Sean Gratt

GP2: Help me with my starts!!

by Sean Gratt » Tue, 29 Sep 1998 04:00:00

I am having Shumi starts lately.  I get way too much wheelspin, so I
let off the throttle to get traction back, but by then I have lost
several places.

What is the best starting method?

looking for new clutches for my Benetton

Michael C Wallac

GP2: Help me with my starts!!

by Michael C Wallac » Tue, 29 Sep 1998 04:00:00

I find (on keyboard)...   Set 1st gear to 36-39 and the others
accordingly - this reduces wheel spin. Rev the car to the red-line while
in gear at the start. When the lights go green the car will get to about
20 MPH (it is MPH in canada - right?) before the wheels start to spin.
Keep accelerating but tap the space-bar for a moment to reduce power to
the wheels. The car will now get to 40MPH(ish) before the same thing
happens. Tap space again. You may need to do this again at 60MPH. If 1st
gear is set too low you will short-shift into 2nd but that doesn't
matter too much.

With practice you'll get a 'pattern' which you do off-by-heart and
you'll make 'Coulthard' starts instead.

Hope that helps,
Mike Wallace [Member of the Worlds Greatest GP2 Hotlap League]


GP2: Help me with my starts!!

by holysmok.. » Wed, 30 Sep 1998 04:00:00

 Hmm, the best way I found for GP2 race-starts; rev the engine (in
gear, click your up-shift button to make revs go higher). Then let the
revs spin down to a very low rpm, and try to "time it" so revs are
fairly low when the lights turn green.

 The best starts I've had were when the revs were quite low, and
throttle -not- applied fully (close though), all while starting from a
low-rev induced start.

 It's hard getting that perfect start, but it works. Good luck!


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GP2: Help me with my starts!!

by %REALNAME » Wed, 30 Sep 1998 04:00:00

I've found the best starting method for me is to hold the engine on maximum
revs in first gear while the lights are still off (by holding down the
clutch). As soon as the lights go on release the clutch and hold at about
2/3 power. As soon as the lights go out you will start to move forward in
first gear, almost immediately shift up to 2nd. At this point I'm usually
moving faster than the other cars, and can nail most of them into the first


Kevin Harpi

GP2: Help me with my starts!!

by Kevin Harpi » Fri, 02 Oct 1998 04:00:00


A good starting method is to goto the 'advanced controls' menu in
the controller part of the options menu, and enable the clutch to be
operated by the 'fire' button of your controller.

At the starting grid, hold the 'fire' button in.  Now set the rev's to
just below the point that the 1st red light on the rev counter flashes on.
Watch the starting lights, and when they're green release the fire
button.  Remember to hold your throttle at the same point, until the
wheels have stopped spinning.  At this point accelerate madly,
and the rest is up to you!


GP2: Help me with my starts!!

by SteveBla » Fri, 02 Oct 1998 04:00:00


My best launches have come by holding the shift button(or lever, however you're
set up) to activate the clutch, throttling up to where the 3rd rev light is
flashing intermittently, and then releasing the button.  Gradually increase
throttle to full while listening for excess wheelspin.  You want a bit, but not
too much.  I usually run quick races from about halfway back on the grid, and
can pick up 7 to 10 spots going into the first turn this way, in combo with
aggressive line choice and braking. If you've got damage turned on and you
don't shear any bits off, then all's well, eh?  Practice, practice, practice.

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