such a stunning work of genius by such a tiny group of individuals that they
will inevitably get the rewards they are due, by being snapped up by some
big developer.
Unless we all buy LFS, I guess...then perhaps they can stay independent.
I have only two tiny complaints. I'd like a tach that works (or if the tach
is accurate, then engines that would properly blow up if you revved them
that high!). The FFB is a bit weak with my MOMO Racing wheel...which
doesn't mean it is weak on other wheels, just that like every other title, a
bit of tweaking here and there can make a big difference. Either it can be
programmed in or controlled through an .ini file like GPL.
Otherwise it is terrific fun--just that perfect balance between realistic
enough to hold your interest, but not a crushingly accurate sim. We all
need that sometimes. It's what the original Need For Speed was initially
(in its day), but then that title just got worse and worse with each
release. I can't wait for more tracks.
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Marc Collins
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