Any info would be great


Any info would be great

by rdra.. » Thu, 27 Aug 1998 04:00:00

I just finally got a t2 wheel and pedal combo any ideas on how to make
it really solid on my desk it's secure but just not solid thanks



Any info would be great

by Jacvil » Fri, 28 Aug 1998 04:00:00

What I did, and it's not for everyone, but may be applicable, is this:  The
desk upon which my monitor sits is older, and not too nice.  I drilled two
holes corresponding to the mounting screws for the arms on the T2 into the top
front edge of the desk.  Next, I screwed up from underneath the desktop into
the bottom of the T2 console.  Granted, this procedure is not a good idea for a
100 year-old antique oak desk, but it works for me.  I leave the T2 console
permanently bolted to the desk, and removed the set***from the wheel
itself, so it can be slipped on and off easily.  I also find that I need to
'space' my pedal unit away from the wall, so that the pedals have full travel.
I have a piece of 1x6 which I notched to provide play for the pedals.  The 1x6
sits flat on the floor, the solid edge against the wall, and the notched edge
against the pedal unit.  This also keeps the pedal unti from 'creeping' away
from you as you frantically apply pressure!!!  Hope this helps

"I won't give up 'til I've no more to give"


Any info would be great

by ymenar » Fri, 28 Aug 1998 04:00:00

Jacville wrote and another one also before :

Thanks, I think everybody has their own personal story about that ;-P

When I had a T2 I bought a band of Velcro for my wheel and pedals.  I had
the soft portion of it on the desk (keyboard fits over the soft better than
the other side), and the soft portion for the floor under my desk (I will
never change it so it's no big deal for me).

The other parts just go over it, and with the clamp they never moved.

Many people will drill holes and clamp the pedals to the floor, or take a
piece of wood behind them if they are against a wall, etc...

- Fran?ois Mnard <ymenard> Good race at the Brickyard!
- Official Mentally retarded guy of r.a.s.
- Excuse me for my English (I'm French speaking)
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