[note from moderator to users outside Europe: please be patient
with this link and try a few times if it doesn't work at first]
I started my homepage about autosport activities. Mainly it is dedicated
for autosport fans from Poland (Polish version) but you can find many
links to the other WWW autosport resources (English version).
Now I'am working at part of autosport simulators in English and Polish
versions. If you have any stuff about simulators, send me info!
-------- Polish version -------
Chcialbym was poinformowac ze zaczalem tworzyc strone o sportach
samochodowych (F1, IndyCar itd.) w jezyku polskim. Jesli macie jakies
materialy lub chcielibyscie ze mna wspolpracowac w tej dzedzinie, lub
szukacie kontaktu z fanem sportow samochodowych - to odezwijcie sie !!!
Planuje tez poswiecic na mojej stronie troche uwagi symulatorom wyscigow
(F1 GP, Indy Car Racing itd.).
Czekam na odzew.
| ___o| \--| ...... Andrzej "Andy" Barganski |
| /o--------o-| ..... ul. Boisko 1/c4, 81-183 Gdynia, Poland. |
|'Cars and Drivers' - my home page about autosport and AUTORACE archive: |
| http://www.racesimcentral.net/; |