Oh really?
It's not the god that incites it, it's the over-zealous people.
Actually, it's funny, here you go saying 'not all gay people are like
that', 'not all Jewish Rabbis are like that', but you assume that
Christian religion in general is sickening--despite that not all
Christians despise gays, biracial couples etc. It's not the religion.
Many Christians, just like those of other religions, use their beliefs
as a source of peace and contentment in their lives. And DAMN do I envy
them for that! :) I could never follow a set of beliefs that don't have
a rock solid influence on my life.
On the other hand, we all know which way YOUR bread is buttered eh? :)
You're not looking too good now yourself :)
Frankly, I think I have to have my own very, very personal reasons for
doing things and feeling the way I do about stuff, and that's why I
consider myself to be basically an atheist. It keeps shit simple--and
sure as hell lets you develop your own character.
I'm a straight white male--I'm supposed to be among the most
oppressive, hateful people in the world, right? Am I not right here?
To me, the funniest thing on the planet is listening to black comedians
like Eddie Murphy cutting up white people about how we have little
***s, have no ass muscles etc. I can't help but laugh my ass off
listning to that. I don't even know why, it's just hilarious to me!!
On top of that, I could never hate any person for any reason other than
a very personal one, that between myself and another person, regardless
of race.
But the one thing I have going for myself is the ability to laugh at my
own race and the differences between my own and others. When a white
person insults other races--it's racism. Bad, bad, bad. But when
another race insults white people--it's called stand up comedy!!!
For some reason, hating white people, people from well-off developed
countries, and Christians/Protestants (whatever the hell
details/differences of those two religions are) seems to be very
politically correct, and is considered OK.
I wish someone could explain that.
Now folks, back to the rotary engines...
87 T2