Unfortunately that's not true.
The *only* way to be sure is checking the "processor occupancy" by pressing the
'O' (not a zero) key during play. As long as this stays under 100, you're
playing in realtime. (=the action is realtime) This does NOT always mean that
the time displayed by GP2 is realtime, though! Apart from slowmotion, there's
another effect, somekind of "compensation factor". You can see this when you
drive more or less identical laps on the same track, but placed in a different
slot: the displayed laptimes will vary considerably, even when they 'feel'
exactly the same. Presumably, Crammond used a certain compensation factor to
make the times of computer cars more realistic on each track.
>On Sat, 04 Sep 1999 17:02:50 -0400,
>>It's been mentioned a number of times in this newsgroup and various
>>websites that Grand Prix 2 somehow speeds up or slows down in order to
>>maintain a constant frame rate. (I forget the correct terminology for
>>this) The overall realtime speed disparity can be compensated for by
>>adjusting some of the graphics settings.
>>I know how to fiddle with the graphics settings, but what I'd like to
>>know is how do I know whether the sim is running too fast or too slow
>>compared to actual realtime?
>>Where can I check this?
>>(I hope the question's clear...)
>Drive a lap in GP2, and compare the laptime shown in GP2 to your watch.
>* rrevved at mindspring dot com
>* http://www.cabal.net
>* http://www.sputum.com
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When everything else failed, we can still become im-
mortal by making an enormous blunder....
John Kenneth Galbraith