Help (again)


Help (again)

by Stev » Mon, 21 Sep 1998 04:00:00

Doed the Digital Edge F1 Sim go under a different name in america, or is it
just *^&%? Hardly anyone seems to want to answer any questions about it you

Anyway, Does the F1Sim have a seperate axis throttle/brake? (Like the TM
Formula 1 - I'm sure it should, but I have neither seen it confirmed or
denied anywhere on the net).



Remco Moe

Help (again)

by Remco Moe » Mon, 21 Sep 1998 04:00:00

Hi Steve,

>Doed the Digital Edge F1 Sim go under a different name in america, or is it
>just *^&%? Hardly anyone seems to want to answer any questions about it you

As I recall it is not named *^&%? in America. It's called the DE

Mine does....Via a switch in the pedal box. Be aware though, there are
versions without one....

You may want to visit



Help (again)

by Stev » Mon, 21 Sep 1998 04:00:00

>>Doed the Digital Edge F1 Sim go under a different name in america, or is
>>just *^&%? Hardly anyone seems to want to answer any questions about it

>As I recall it is not named *^&%? in America. It's called the DE


does....Via a switch in the pedal box. Be aware though, there are

Thanks for the reply.

I have seen the F1Sim Compact around for about half the price of the F1sim,
could this be what you mean with 'versions'? or are there actually different
versions of the F1Sim around?



Remco Moe

Help (again)

by Remco Moe » Mon, 21 Sep 1998 04:00:00

>I have seen the F1Sim Compact around for about half the price of the F1sim,
>could this be what you mean with 'versions'? or are there actually different
>versions of the F1Sim around?

The later models of the F1 Sim/Indy (NOT the compact) seems not to
have the separate pedals switch. Thus both pedals on the same axis.


Michael C Wallac

Help (again)

by Michael C Wallac » Mon, 21 Sep 1998 04:00:00

Never used either but I remember comments on this group and wib-sites
which described the 'Compact' as very inferior to the original F1sim.
(to put it politely)

Mike Wallace [Member of the Worlds Greatest Hotlap Competition]

Mark Seer

Help (again)

by Mark Seer » Tue, 22 Sep 1998 04:00:00

Beware the compact version,
The wheel is a fine piece of work but the pedal box is a heap of sh*t. (Hence
the difference in price). It is a *** plastic 'U' shaped box with two square
rocker pedals attached. They have horizontal plastic lugs that act as rocker
fulcrums for pedal movement and are very fragile. I broke mine in about two
weeks from new.

In operation, they only work on one axis and have very little movemend from the
off position to fully depressed. This makes for very abrupt control.


> >>Doed the Digital Edge F1 Sim go under a different name in america, or is
> it
> >>just *^&%? Hardly anyone seems to want to answer any questions about it
> you
> >>see..........

> >As I recall it is not named *^&%? in America. It's called the DE
> >Indy....

> :)

> >>Anyway, Does the F1Sim have a seperate axis throttle/brake? >Mine
> does....Via a switch in the pedal box. Be aware though, there are
> >versions without one....

> Thanks for the reply.

> I have seen the F1Sim Compact around for about half the price of the F1sim,
> could this be what you mean with 'versions'? or are there actually different
> versions of the F1Sim around?

> Thanks

> Steve

Peter Gag

Help (again)

by Peter Gag » Tue, 22 Sep 1998 04:00:00

> Doed the Digital Edge F1 Sim go under a different name in america,
> or is it
> just *^&%? Hardly anyone seems to want to answer any questions
> about it you
> see..........

I don't think the F1 Sim is marketed or publicised in the US? The
original makers (Interactive Racing -  now called Ballracing
development) licenced Digital Edge to distribute (and
manufacture?) them.

However, they are on the net and can be purchased anywhere in the
World, and they will ship them anywhere you like (for a price).




for more info.

Yes, they can be set-up to use a separate axis for brake and


*Peter*    8-)
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